Make Money With Real Estate
Making money with Real Estate is not as hard as you may think. Often you can buy foreclosures, tax lien and short sale properties for pennies on the dollar that you can flip for thousands in profits!
Two Real Estate Millionaires share their secrets for making amazing profits through tax and bank foreclosure real estate investments.
Imagine buying a house for only $300.00!
John Beck and Lee Arnold do it every day and now with these amazing offers they want to share their proven profit methods with you.
Lee Arnold Fortunes From Foreclosures!

Fortunes From Foreclosure is the leading real estate system that teaches you how take advantage of the greatest time to invest in real estate in the last 25 years! Created & supported by real estate millionaire Lee Arnold, this e-course will provide you with the edge needed to find the right properties to purchase and invest into.
Proven Real Estate Money Making System
Real Estate Millionaire Lee Arnold developed this amazingly sucessful method that shows you hwo to become debt free and turn amazing profits with real estate foreclosures. Be free and clear of debt in no time.
Here's what you get:
“8 Secrets to Part Time Riches” – SHIPPED RIGHT TO YOUR DOOR
This life changing guide reveals the secrets that Trump and other millionaires use to cram their checking accounts full of spendable cash - and still have time every day to play a round of golf or spend a weekend in Manila. No one has ever revealed secrets like this and Part Time Riches has never before been this easy to achieve.
90 Minute “Part Time Riches” DVD - SHIPPED RIGHT TO YOUR DOOR
Heard about foreclosures and short sales but don’t understand how they can make you rich? Tired of vague concepts that promise payouts but never deliver? In 90 minutes you will have the proven answers that have turned every day people into overnight millionaires. This is the best time to have this information in hand!
Silver Membership Trial – FREE INSTANT ACCESS
A $39.95 value that is yours ABSOLUTELY FREE! The Member’s Only Area gives you access to over 50 Hours of exclusive audio content, special invitations to teleseminars and live events, additional training materials, Silver Level Access to the forum, and so much more! If you love it as much as our other Silver Members it will be conveniently billed to your credit card, or cancel at any time; just don’t want to miss out on your Free Access to all this valuable material!
Comprehensive Guide to Loan Modification – FREE DOWNLOAD
Could shaving just a few hundred dollars off of your mortgage significantly improve your quality of life? Are you about to lose your home because the bank adjusted you and your mortgage straight into the poor house? You aren’t alone, but you DO have options. Learn the ins and outs of Loan Modification – with this guide you can change your life for the better and then improve the lives of others.
Equity Deal Accelerator –FREE DOWNLOAD
No excuses, no impossible formulas, just results! That’s what the Equity Deal Accelerator Guide is all about. This is the perfect complement to the power unleashed by The 8 Secrets To Part Time Riches!
Timing Is Everything – FREE DOWNLOAD
Being in the right place at the right time is more than just luck, it’s an art form! Learn the secrets behind tripling the return on an investment or getting the best deal when it matters most – NOW!
Plus Over 50 Hours of Financial Audio Advice Direct From The Experts!
This is not the $49.95 system by John Beck. Lee Arnold is so sure that this proven method to real estate riches will work for you he's offering a PLUS $10 GUARANTEE!
"If you follow the steps clearly outlined in The 8 Secrets to Part Time Riches, you will make money in the first 12 months. If you follow the system and do not achieve this result, I will give you your money back PLUS $10 dollars. I’ll return your $27 investment in The 8 Secrets to Part Time Riches, PLUS give you $10 out of my own wallet. Of course this guarantee comes with one understandable condition; you must put these secrets to work!"
John Beck Pennies On The Dollar
Amazing Profits System
In John's easy to follow, simple course, you will quickly learn how to buy houses, land and property for pennies on the dollar. Just imagine what it would be like to purchase a home like you've on John's show as seen on tv for $300. How about making an additional $1000, $2000 or even $5000 a month!
The John Beck Free and Clear Amazing Profits Real Estate System Includes 7 easy to follow guides to making money with Tax and Foreclosure Real Estate:
Pennies On The Dollar Volume 1:
Purchase homes all over the United States and Canada for as little as 2 or 3 cents on the dollar, Free and Clear!
Pennies On The Dollar Volume 2:
Easy to follow step-by-step guide to financial freedom by buying real estate for Pennies On The Dollar
Tax Sale Directory
Locate and buy properties in virtually every county in the United States and every province in Canada!
Amazing Profits
Learn where and how to buy Tax Lien Certificates and earn up to 300% interest!
Properties By Mail
Cash in on John's secrets without ever leaving the comfort of your home!
Plus Quick Start DVD and Free And Clear Guide CD
The Real Estate for Pennies on the Dollar, Tax Deed and Tax Lien Edition Books both show you how to purchase homes all over the US & Canada for as little as 2 or 3 cents on the dollar & own them free and clear.
The Free & Clear Real Estate Directory Book shows how to locate Tax Sale properties all across the US & Canada.
With the John Beck Free and Clear book you can learn how and where to buy Tax Lien Certificates and earn up to 300% interest.
The Free & Clear Properties By Mail book is the “How To” manual on buying Tax Deed properties and Tax Certificates through the mail.
