Switched On Schoolhouse 2007 Edition
Alpha Omega's popular and award winning software program delivers
an engaging and interactive curriculum to homeschool and Chirstian
school students in grades 3-12.
With Switched On Schoolhouse homeschool students
complete their schoolwork on the computer using a format that
includes multi-media, audio presentations, video animation,
web learning tools, automatic feedback, printing options, testing
and more.
Christian Curriculum Teacher's appreciate
the Switched On Schoolhouse program's lesson planning features
and that 90% of the student's work is automatically graded.
Switched on Schoolhouse has been designed for easy installation
and better learning accuracy.
We think you will agree that SOS gets an A+ for learning and
appeal to students and teachers alike.
Subjects include Bible lessons, Language Arts, History and
Geography, Math, Science and several Elective courses.