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The MediFast Weight Loss Plan for Women
Medifast Diet - lose the weight

The Medifast 5 & 1 Plan helps women lose weight quickly, leading to tremendous improvements in overall health.

Medifast is much more than the traditional, fad diets that may have failed you in the past. Medifast helps you lose the weight – and teaches you how to keep it off!

The Medifast program is convenient, portion-controlled, and simple to follow. You’ll see and feel results in the first week!

Most women start by ordering the Medifast for Women 4-Week Package. With this package you receive the most popular Medifast Meals – and save over $30!

Medifast also has a unique line of shakes, specially formulated to meet the specific health needs of women. Medifast Plus for Women’s Health shakes contain black cohosh, Echinacea, and chaste tree berry – these ingredients help reduce symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes or night sweats. If you are already on a Hormone Replacement Therapy, consult with your doctor prior to using these shakes.

Click Here to Start Losing Weight Now!

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© 2007 MyFamilyKitchen
Medifast very low calorie programs require physician supervision to minimize the potential for health risks. *Medifast is proven to produce rapid weight loss, typically 2-5 lbs per week. Although results may vary on an individual basis.


MediFast for Women